CS-Script 3.27.0

Dynamic Code Generation


Dynamic Code Generation (DCG) is the ability of a runtime or a development framework to automatically generate and update the source code before compilation/execution. DCG is used to produce business logic independent code fragments. On a contrary to the code generating wizards, which are one-off activities, DCG ensures that produced code is consistent with the runtime environment by re-emitting the fresh version of a code on every compilation/execution.

DCG, in one or another form, is part of many development platforms. Macros, importing type libraries, and compilation of IDL files are all examples of DCG available in C++. In some cases DCG is handled by a language compiler (e.g. macros) and others some external utilities are responsible for the actual code generation. But there are a few aspects that are common for all DCG cases. One of these aspects is that DCG is used for automatic generation of the source code, based on some very strict rules/instructions (e.g. macro definition). Another commonality is that DCG allows to avoid polluting the source code with extensive, repetitive routines, which dramatically decrease code readability and maintainability.

Dynamic Code Generation in CS-Script

From the very early versions, CS-Script was capable of dynamically generating dependency assemblies. The typical example is the callable wrappers for COM server(s) during execution of scripts accessing the server at the runtime (Using COM).

The technique described in this section is based on the Pre-/Post-execution scripts. However the latest edition of CS-Script has native support for a specialized light weight type of pre-execution scripts - "Precomilers". Precompiler in most of the cases can offer a simpler and more maintainable solution for DCG comparing to the full scale pre-execution scripts. Thus you may want to read the
Precompilers chapter as well.      

The ability of generating runtime components just before the execution is a simple and yet very powerful/flexible concept. Particularly because the component, responsible for such code generation, is a script too. Such code emitting scripts can be set up with a //css_prescript directive (Pre- and Post-execution scripts). In case of generating COM callable wrappers, //css_prescript launches the com.cs script, which simply runs TlbImp.exe (part of .NET Framework) in order to produce the required assembly. The truth is that it does not have to be an assembly, it can also be the plain C# code. The execution under CS-Script has this "luxury" of consuming non-compiled C# code. Thus the auto-generated code can be a part of the main script codebase.

A very similar approach is used by MSBuild.exe, which takes xaml file and generates the missing C# code prior to  compilation of the WPF application. The difference with CS-Script is that you have full control over how the C# code is generated.

Below is a generator.cs script, which generates the code required for the script test.cs to run:

using System;
using System.IO;

class Script
    static public void Main()
        using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\test.part.cs"))
                @"using System;
                  partial class Test
                      static void SayHello()

And this is the test.cs script, which utilises the auto-generated test.part.cs file:

//css_prescript generator();
//css_include C:\test.part.cs;
using System;

partial class Test
    static public void Main()

The example above is very simple and not particularly useful. However, it demonstrates a potential, which can be used to achieve simple maintenance even for the very complex code modules.

C++ style macros in CS-Script

The ability to generate code dynamically, described in the section above, is the basis for C++ style macros support available in CS-Script begining from v2.1.0.

C++ macros is a technique for reducing the amount of code by automatically generating some of its fragments just before passing it on to the compiler. This very powerful technique despite some obvious advantages, is commonly recognised as a frequent cause of programming mistakes. The problem is that  macros are nothing else but a "textual substitution" and as such it can lead to the unpredictable code:

#define NORMALIZE(x) ((x == 0) ? 0 : (x > 0) ? 1 : -1)

int OpenFile()

    printf("opening file...\n");
    return 1;

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    int i = 1;
    int result = NORMALIZE(i);
    result = NORMALIZE(OpenFile()); //OpenFile() called twice
    return 0;

The NORMALIZE macro will work fine with the variable i but if you apply it to OpenFile you will notice that OpenFile will be called twice. This is because the produced code by expending the macro will contain a call to OpenFile() twice.

Another problem is that the code with expended macros, which is passed to the compiler, is not visible to the developer. Thus, he/she can not possibly know what code the compiler is actually compiling.

Because of these limitations, C++ macros did not make it into C#. CS-Script DCG however offers some opportunities for achieving a macros-like functionality but without limitations typical for C++ macros.

The best way to describe the CS-Script macros is to do it by example.

Imagine that you need to define a macro for generating a class property. If C++ macros were available in C#, this could be accomplished as follows:

#define DEFINE PROP(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) \
arg1 public arg2 arg3 \
{ \
    get { return m_##arg3; } \
    set { m_##arg3 = value; } \
} \
arg1 private arg2 m_##arg3 = arg4; 

And this is how the macro would be used:

class MyData
    PROP(static, string, Description, 
"MyData class")

The code above would be interpreted by the compiler as follows:

class MyData
    static public bool Description
        get { return m_Description; }
        set { m_Description = value; }
    static private string m_Description = 
"MyData class";

C# does not support macros thus the scenario described above is not possible in raw C#. However, a very similar outcome can be achieved in CS-Script.

This is a fragment of the code from script_simple.cs using C# script macros:

partial class MyData
    /* css_extend_class MyData
     PROP(static, string, Description, "MyData class")


And this is how to define the way the macro and its arguments should be expended (precompile.cs) by the macro expending routine:

CompileResult PROP(string[] args, Context cx)
    string modifier = args[0];
    string type = args[1];
    string name = args[2];
    string initialVal = args[3];

    string code =
    "    " + modifier + " private " + type + " " + name.ToLower() + " = " + initialVal + ";\r\n" +
    "    " + modifier + " public " + type + " " + name + "\r\n" +
    "    {\r\n" +
    "        get { return " + name.ToLower() + "; }\r\n" +
    "        set { " + name.ToLower() + " = value; }\r\n" +
    "    }";

    return new CompileResult(code, InsertionPosition.ClassBody);

The important point in this example is that CS-Script ensures that the PROP macro is expended into the C# code just before the compilation/execution and this auto-generated C# code is written into the file, which can be examined by the developer. Thus, there is no question what is going into the C# compiler. If you open your script in Visual Studio, you will notice that the auto-generated code (script_simple.g.cs) is included into the Visual Studio project.

The macros expansion is nothing else but a string manipulation routine. This routine is invoked for you by the CS-Script engine just before passing the code on to the C# compiler. This routine is under your full control. You can change it, define the new one or you can even debug it if you want to see in details how the macro is expended. You can start debugging the macros from the same IDE where your primary script is loaded. CS-Script comes with CS-Script Visual Studio toolbar, which has a Precompile button for launching the macro expending routine under the debugger.

Because the macro expending routine is an ordinary C# code you can also benefit from all coding assistance tools available in Visual Studio (e.g. intellisense ). As you can see the CS-Script macros do not have any flaws typical for their C++ equivalent.

You may have noticed that the macro has been used in the code as a comment. This is because the C# compiler is still unfamiliar with a PROP code token, therefore the compiler will not compile this token unless it is disguised as a comment.  You may have also noticed that the macro is surrounded by a comment block with a start marker "css_extend_class MyData". This marker allows the CS-Script engine to distinguish between ordinary comments and CS-Script macros.

Note that in the single macros comment block you may have as many macros as you wish as long the single macro occupies the single line. 

The most important aspect of CS-Script macros support is that, as a concept, it is not a built-in functionality of the script engine but a special macros processing script (Lib\precompile.part.cs) and as such it is completely open for any modifications. This is something that is entirely impossible for C++ macros. The scripting nature of macros processing makes it possible to bring C# macros even to the non-scripting environments. e.g. a project created when you open the script containing macros in Visual Studio. While you are editing, compiling or debugging your code under IDE it is just an ordinary C# VS project and yet it supports the concept of macros.

The earlier code sample demonstrated how to define a single macro PROP. The CS-Script standard installation comes with a more comprehensive example of macros usage (Samples\Macros\script.cs). This sample script contains the following macros examples:  

Defines a static instantiation method New() to mimic the Ruby style type instantiation.

Defines a class property with a default value.

partial class MyData
    /* css_extend_class MyData
    PROP(static, bool,   Direction, false)
    PROP(,       string, Text,      "test")

    public override string ToString()
        return Direction + ", " + Text;


Defines the Enum value. The special aspect of the Enum declaration is that it is String EnumerationString Enumeration is a concept (not available in C#), which many developers had tried to implement (e.g. this CodeProject article). CS-Script macros allow to accomplish this task in a quite simple way.

/* css_extend_str_enum public Numbers
VALUE(One, "One unit")
VALUE(Two, "Two units")
VALUE(Tree, "Three units")

foreach (Numbers num in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Numbers)))
    Console.WriteLine(num.ToString() +
" - " + num.ToStringEx());

One - One unit
Two - Two units
Tree - Three units


CS-Script macros is only one of the possible DCG applications. The dynamic code can be generated not only on the basis of instructions extracted from the source code (e.g. macros). These instructions can also be obtained from another file (e.g. XML file), database schema, runtime environment state, state of the files system etc.. But this particular DCG implementation (macros) can deliver dramatic improvements to the code maintainability. This is a practical example of the difference that can be make by defining the Dependency Properties as macros in a WWF activity class:

with macros: 
public partial class Init : Activity
     /* css_extend_class Init
     DEPENDENCY_PROP(string, AxisId)
     DEPENDENCY_PROP(string, Port, Parameters)
     DEPENDENCY_PROP(string, Prefix, Parameters)
     DEPENDENCY_PROP(int, Address, Parameters)
     DEPENDENCY_PROP(int, HalfstepExponent, Parameters)

without macros: 
partial class Init
    static public DependencyProperty AxisIdProperty;
    public String AxisId
        get { return Convert.ToString(base.GetValue(AxisIdProperty)); }
        set { base.SetValue(AxisIdProperty, value); }
    static public DependencyProperty PortProperty;
    public String Port
        get { return Convert.ToString(base.GetValue(PortProperty)); }
        set { base.SetValue(PortProperty, value); }
    static public DependencyProperty PrefixProperty;
    public String Prefix
        get { return Convert.ToString(base.GetValue(PrefixProperty)); }
        set { base.SetValue(PrefixProperty, value); }
    static public DependencyProperty AddressProperty;
    public Int32 Address
        get { return Convert.ToInt32(base.GetValue(AddressProperty)); }
        set { base.SetValue(AddressProperty, value); }
    static public DependencyProperty HalfstepExponentProperty;
    public Int32 HalfstepExponent
        get { return Convert.ToInt32(base.GetValue(HalfstepExponentProperty)); }
        set { base.SetValue(HalfstepExponentProperty, value); }

See Also 

Pre- and Post-execution scripts