CS-Script 3.27.0

Non-Engine Directives

In addition to the directives processed by the script engine there is also another type of directives, which if present in code can affect the way how script is handles. These directives are handled not by the engine but by other CS-Script framework components. Currently there are only a few such directives but it can be more of them in the future releases.

1. This is the code directive to control how the script is loaded in VS2010/VS2010E assembly at execution time:

//css_dbg [/t:<target>] [/args:"[arg0] [argN]"] [/platform:<architecture>];

/t - Visual Studio project type

/t:exe      -             Console Executable 
/t:winexe -             Windows Executable
/t:library  -             Class Library

/args - arguments to be passed to the script application when running under Visual Studio

/platform - Visual Studio project platform target

/platform:anycpu    -   Any CPU 
/platform:x86         -   x86
/platform:x64         -   x64
/platform:Itanium   -   Itanium
Note: that //css_dbg directive is not processed by the script engine but by the debugVS10.0.cs script, which is responsible for generating a temporary project file when opening a script with VS2010.

2. This is the code directive to control how the class wrapper for calssless scripts is generated:

//css_classless [NamespaceName.]ClassName;

NamespaceName - name of the namespace of the generated class wrapper

ClassName - class name of the generated class wrapper

Note: that //css_classless directive is not processed by the script engine but by the CSSCodeProvider.dll alternative compiler

See Also

Script Engine Directives