CS-Script 3.27.0

Compile to executable     

/e - compiles script into console application executable 

cscs /e test
The command above compiles script test.cs into console application executable test.exe. Location of the executable is the same as location of the script file.

/ew - compiles script into Windows application executable 

cscs /ew test
The command above compiles script test.cs into Windows application executable test.exe. Location of the executable is the same as location of the script file.


During script excution the script engine helps CLR to locate all referenced assemblies, which are not in the 'current directory' or GAC. Such assemblies may come from the Default (%CSSCRIPT_DIR%\Lib) or Custom (SearchDirs) Script Library directory(s). If compiled script (*.exe) executed any assemblies from Script Library directories will not be found by CLR (because the execution is not conducted under the CS-Script environment). Thus in order to execute compiled script (*.exe) all referenced assemblies must be located either in GAC or to be in the same folder where the executable file is. 

See Also

Command-line interface